Carrie Harwood

Vegas Motels


At a risk of sounding a bit repetitive – my favourite thing about Vegas is the vintage aesthetic that still lingers. It’s not hard to track it down, you just have to head to the slightly more run-down areas of town. You’ll find yourself surrounded by old motor motels in various shades and all of the wedding chapels, complete with bright pink classic cars and pictures of Elvis outside.

If these places were in London or elsewhere, they would be Instagram hotspots, but in Vegas they are deserted. I had around three pink cars all to myself to pose next to, so you better believe that I made the most of it..I think that’s obvious in these pictures!

I think that if I were to get married again, this is probably the way I’d do it (not that I have any plans, Miguel..!) – in a pink cadillac at a drive-thru, followed by In-n-Out or pigging out at one of the Vegas buffets. Although the images are slightly more romantic than the reality as police sirens scream past you and you’re heckled by a drunk as you walk past at 11 in the morning. If you’re planning on wandering through this part of town, be aware.

I think the photos we took here are some of my favourite in a while. It’s not every day you have giant neon signs and classic cars available as a backdrop. But for me, as Vegas is almost a second home, it’s somewhere I’m getting to know and appreciate in different ways every year. I’ve toyed with writing a guide to the city, but each time I return so much has changed. it’s impossible to keep up. But for anyone interested in seeing more of my posts from Vegas over the years, do have a browse through the tag. Next time I’ll try and document even more of the best spots in the city.

What I Wore…

Tee – Mango | Jeans – MiH | Boots – Free People | Sunglasses – Elizabeth & James (similar)

The post Vegas Motels appeared first on WishWishWish.

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