A little quilt I made a few years ago. I realized the reason some/most of the little quilts I have made I really like are the ones that were hand quilted. I remember trying different things when I quilted them. I didn't want to just quilt in the ditch or cross hatch the quilt. I love the way this one was quilted, the quilting adds a secondary design when the light catches it the right way.

It could also be one of my favorite quilts because fall is my favorite time of the year and my quilts reflect that with fabric/color choices.
The back of the quilt…looks like a fall watercolor almost…
This quilt was inspired by a quilt Betsy Chutchian made and a pattern she made for her little quilt club at the shop she teaches. On the sewing front I continue to make postage stamp blocks, my personal goal was to have 75 blocks done by the end of Sept. I had better make one a day if I want to reach that goal! Here are the two I made over the weekend and my tally sheet…I have 6,100 I need 7,500 by the end of the month. Not sure this goal will be reached.
Each block will be 10" finished , 100 --1 inch squares!
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