Want Smoother Skin? Grab a Tinkle for Cheap & Give Dermaplaning at Home a Try

The Tinkle is my favorite beauty tool! Yep – the Tinkle!

No, it’s not something you use in the bathroom with your kiddos. The Tinkle razor is a single blade razor that you can use to dermaplane your skin at home!

What is dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is a skin care treatment that removes dead skin cells and even better it removes the vellus hairs, the fine facial hair also referred to as peach fuzz. In a nutshell, it’s shaving your face.

Please note: If you have skin concerns or have had skin issues in the past, please consult with your dermatologist before trying to dermaplane at home. This product and process have worked well for us though may not be suitable for all skin types.

Bless my grandmother and her fuzzy little face that through genetics she passed on to me. And, well – I have to say, I am not really fond of having peach fuzz. Nor are many of the other women I know. So when I learned about the Tinkle razor, I was quite excited to give it a try.

The Tinkle is SUPER easy to use and costs right around $5 for a SIX PACK on Amazon!

To use it to dermaplane at home, you start with clean dry skin. Then, holding the Tinkle at a 45-degree angle, you take it across your face using gentle upward motions to gently scrape the dead skin and peach fuzz off your face. It’s truly that easy!

You may have to play around with the direction and angle you are holding the blade until you get a feel for it. However, when you are doing it properly, you will see the hairs and dead skin on the blade.

Worried about the hair growing back?

Vellus hairs (or “peach fuzz”) does not grow back thicker and darker. As long as the hair is superficial vellus hair, it will grow back at the same rate and texture as before. I have been using the Tinkle for over a year and when the hair starts to grow back, it is still blonde peach fuzz.

What are the benefits of using a Tinkle razor?

Supposedly, removing the peach fuzz and dead skin is beneficial as the fine hairs trap debris and oils and give skin a dull look. After removing the peach fuzz and dead skin, your skincare products should work more efficiently, since they can penetrate the skin more easily.

My skin looks so much smoother and my makeup goes on more easily.

P.S. If you decide to give it a try, make sure that you purchase a Tinkle and not a Twinkle. Apparently, they are a knock off, and you don’t want to get the wrong one!

And no, this is not a sponsored post – I just love my Tinkle!

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