Brian Sacawa

Forget Navy: The Spring/Summer Blue Suit

from He Spoke Style - Men's Style, Fashion, Grooming, Tips and Advice

Trade the dark navy suit for a lighter and brighter royal blue alternative

We talk a fair bit about seasonal suiting in terms of fabrics. Heavy wools, flannels and tweeds for the fall and winter and lightweight wool, cotton and linen for the spring and summer.

Why do we talk about that? Because fabric weight is an important consideration when building a smart suit wardrobe. But so is color.

There’s certainly no reason you can’t wear a powerful navy suit in the spring and summer, but part of the fun of menswear is to wear clothes that capture the feeling, spirit and essence of a particular season.

A royal blue suit fits the spring/summer bill perfectly.

| WEARING | QG Custom suit, Al Bazar shirt, Drake’s tie, Rolex Datejust watch, Belt and shoes c/o Allen Edmonds | PHOTOGRAPHY | by Rob McIver Photo

Longtime HSS readers should recall this particular suit. It was my first made to measure suit and is still one of my favorites.

I plan to update the length of the trousers soon to have just a bit more break. I wanted an aggressive, no-break style when I first got it, but my tastes have evolved slightly since then.

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Remember that when it comes to neckties, color is not the only way create contrast. Don’t forget patterns.

Keeping is monochromatic is a subtle way to make a bold statement. A red tie is not necessary for a power suit sort of look.

Since we’re talking about keeping the blues lighter for the spring and summer, let’s also talk about the shoes and belt. Light brown or walnut is a classic choice.

Thanks for reading.

Stylishly Yours,

Brian Sacawa
He Spoke Style

The post Forget Navy: The Spring/Summer Blue Suit first appeared on the men's style blog He Spoke Style - Men's Style, Fashion, Grooming, Tips and Advice

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