Ali Martin | Gimme Some Oven

10 Favorite Salad Dressing Recipes

Here are 10 of my favorite everyday salad dressing recipes. They’re perfect for tossing with all sorts of salads — and they also double as easy sauces for dipping or drizzling. So delicious!

After sharing dozens and dozens of salad recipes with you over the years, I thought it would be fun to do something different today and share the 10 salad dressing recipes that have become my go-to favorites over the years.

You know, those tried-and-true dressings that I’ve made zillions of times and know by heart and can whip up in a snap.

The ones that never fail. ? ? ?

As you can see, this collection covers a pretty wide range of cuisines and flavor profiles. So I think there should be something here for just about any salad you might be craving. And — bonus! — I realized after taking this photo that each of these dressings also happen to be naturally gluten-free. Mostly, though, I love each of these recipes because they don’t include any of those pesky additives in many store-bought dressings, they’re all totally quick and easy to make, and they’re all totally delicious.

Here they are!


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