Diana Mieczan

9 Takes on Homemade Natural Beauty Products

2015 was the year when I finally took the plunge and completely swapped to all natural beauty regime. The best decision I ever made! So if you fancy starting 2016 on a more natural note, here are 9 of my all time favourite beauty recipes that will make you feel amazing and keep you healthy - starting with my weekly go-to, the ultimate superfood face mask...

Natural headache balm that works every time!...

Winter skin zesty fix. (Try it tonight and you won't be sorry)...

The best ever post-workout soak...

Nifty remedy mask to radiant skin...

The 'it' fix for dry and frizzy hair...

My daily go-to 3-ingredient body butter...

The loveliest body oil with dried rose petals and a dash of dried lemongrass...

And summer hair all year around in a bottle :)

P.S: Natural you, and have you tried this little challenge yet?
P.P.S: Plus, one awesome, yet unusual beauty trick that works.

Psst: the comments are switched off during the Holidays. But if you want to drop me a little hello, you can always reach me via email - [email protected] :)
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