Sia Alexis Cooper

7 Day Spring Into Fitness Workout Challenge

Need to lose weight and see inches melt from your waist, hips, or thighs? This 7-Day Workout Challenge is your solution. Workout challenges can be a fun way to jumpstart a healthy lifestyle change. This is specifically designed to be a toning and weight loss workout, so get ready to drop some beads of sweat, and inches, too! As you progress through the week, you will gain confidence in yourself and your abilities. Once the 7 days are up, keep the workout going for as long as you like, or take a look at a long term challenge such as my FIT FOR LIFE: 12 Week Workout Program.

Enjoy this challenge! It could truly be the start of a life-changing shift.

Some tips to enhance your results:

1. Drink water – It’s a good idea to have water available and to drink several glasses throughout the day, equaling about 2.5 liters. You know you’re hydrated when your urine is clear or nearly clear. To challenge yourself to drink more water, try taking this 30 Day Water Challenge with a friend!

2. NO Sodas. Give up sodas, even diet varieties, as they contain either loads of sugar or artificial sweeteners.

3. Avoid junk food and fast food. Instead, cook at home and discover how easy it is to transition from a diet filled with processes foods to a clean eating plan. For a ton of new clean eating recipes, click here.Or if you are interested in a 4 week clean eating meal plan, here’s a good one to try.

4. Eat more fresh fruits, veggies, nuts, lean protein, and low-fat dairy; and avoid overly processed foods that are packed with sodium and refined sugar.

5. Eat smaller portions, about the size of your fist. We recommend eating three small meals and two to three clean snacks each day. Also, using smaller plates can help to keep your portions in check.

6. Read labels and look at the ingredient list. If the product contains refined sugar, enriched white flour and is high in sodium, it’s a food best left on the shelf. If you can’t pronounce each of the ingredients or know what they are, you probably shouldn’t be buying it. Reading the ingredient label is a must if your goal is to know exactly what goes into your body. Here’s how to read a nutrition label in detail.

Challenge Workout:

Equipment Needed: Set of light dumbbells (3-5 lbs), a chair, interval timer (Gymboss is a free app download)

What to Do: Perform all exercises 45 seconds and rest 15 seconds after each one. Complete each routine 3 times and rest 1 full minute after each circuit.

Each workout equals 17-minutes, making them totally doable!



1. Leg Raise
2. Plank
3. Hip Extensions left side
4. Hip Extensions right side
5. March in Place


1. Military Press
2. Plié/Sumo Squat
3. Stiff Legged Deadlift with Dumbbells
4. Foot to Foot Crunches
5. High Knees in Place


1. Goblet Squat
2. Knee Touches in Place
3. Tricep Kickbacks
4. Rear Leg Extension left leg
5. Rear Leg Extension right leg


1. Reverse Plank
2. Butt Kicks
3. High Knees
4. Bent Over Reverse Flyes
5. Wall Sits



1. Side Plank
2. Bicep Curls
3. Hammer Curls
4. Reverse Crunches
5. Dumbbell Side Bends


1. Jumping Jacks
2. Jogging in place
3. Alternating Dumbbell Curls
4. Tricep Dips
5. Plank Jacks


1. V Ups
2. Curtsy Lunges
3. Glute Bridges
4. Standing Side Crunches
5. Flutter Kicks

To continue on with a detailed workout plan, try my FIT FOR LIFE: 12 Week Workout Plan which features over 100 exercises with step-by-step photo examples and an entire exercise directory with detailed instructions for each move.

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