
White Chocolate Dipped Peppermint Chocolate Cookies

These White Chocolate Dipped Peppermint Chocolate Cookies are dreamy to say the least! I made a white version a few years ago and wanted to share a chocolate version also, and finally here there are!

After 3 batches of these I finally found the perfect ratio of ingredients with a rich chocolate flavor, just enough peppermint, and a deliciously chewy texture.

I started out with a recipe that I found on Food Network then changed it until they were perfect for my taste. I reduced the butter but 1/4 cup because several people were saying in the comments that their cookies just spread into one - which is likely due to a bit too much butter.

With the first batch I used Dutch processed cocoa like the recipe calls for but my cookies came out super thin so I switched to regular cocoa powder. I also found that 3/4 cup cocoa wasn't enough chocolate flavor so I upped it by 1/4 cup then cut back on the flour. Read More »

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