G45 How to make an 3D Envelope card and measurements

Hi everyone :-) Here is the 3. video on how to make an a 3D card in a serial of 3 different envelope cards using Twas The Night Before Christmas paper collection.
This is the card I show how to make in the video.

Video tutorial

Card seen from the top

Folded together and ready to be mailed out to a friend :-)

Also made an other with the same measurements in more bright red and green colors.

So fun making this cards :-)

Also made a wedding card with the same shape using Time to Celebrate collection also from G45

Great to use different dies or punches for the edge on the closure.

Measurements for the envelope card shape.

Supply list: Twas The Night Before Christmas collection,Black cardstock,dies,score board,scissors, glue and punches.
Regarding questions there is a video where frequently asked questions are answered and here is the link, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgsJnzDCHkA
For other questions they will be answered here on my blog where I will post new questions that has not been answered before. Here is the link, http://www.annespapercreations.com/p/frequently-asked-questions.html
Hope this envelope cards series have been helpful and that you got some card ideas. Have fun creating :-) Hugs, Anne
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