Ashley Evans

20% Off Some Seriously Epic Fonts (only $23.20)

I recently talked about where to find images to use in design projects and I revealed my love for bundle sites like Design Cuts and The Hungry JPEG. Well I have some awesome news for you.

A bundle of 45 epic fonts for only $23.20

Who doesn’t love fonts? I adore them (here are 37 I love) and I bet you do too! They’re just one of those things you can never have enough of.

Well The Hungry JPEG just released their new May Fontastic Bundle with over 45 fonts for only $29. But here’s where the best part is:

You, my lovely Nose Grazers, can get 20% off with a special coupon code: nosegraze20

That makes this epic bundle only $23.20. HOW EVEN IS THIS POSSIBLE?! I don’t know, but I’m not going to question it.

Let’s see what’s inside

I bought this for myself straight away because, uhh, how could I resist?

I put together a few of my favourites so you can check them out:

Click image to enlarge

Click image to enlarge

Get awesome fonts for your next design project

Wipe away those happy tears you’ve been crying. THESE FONTS CAN BE YOURS! (and many more)

Buy Now (only $23.20 with coupon!)

Coupon Code: nosegraze20

Which font in the bundle is your favourite?

20% Off Some Seriously Epic Fonts (only $23.20) is copyrighted to Nose Graze.

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