Chelsea Foy

DIY Custom Notebooks for Back-to-School

My niece is starting kindergarten this year and she is beside herself with excitement. Since I can remember, she’s always loved writing and using every scrap of paper she can find to write notes and lists. So I made her a little personalized notebook to celebrate kindergarten, and obviously I had to make a grownup version for myself. Shake your palm palms, indeed.

These are so fun and so simple and I want to make a million of ’em! Get the full tutorial right over here and make yourself (or your kiddos!) some for back-to-school. xoxo

P.S. On a totally unrelated note, did you know that there’s free shipping in the Lovely Indeed print shop until Sunday? Go grab yourself something pretty for your walls!

The post DIY Custom Notebooks for Back-to-School appeared first on Lovely Indeed.

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