sara hesham

3 ways to find time to read books when you have a busy schedule

1. Find 20 Min. in your day

Control the time you spend while watching tv while chatting with friends while going through social media for no reason. Reading is not a thing to do once a week reading is a thing to be your routine.

Put in your head you won't cut off completely watching tv or your favorite waste time actions so it won't be a load on you when you want to spend all the time doing nothing, you will just cut off 20 min. and back to it again. After 40 days of doing this, it will be a habit.

It is not necessary to spend hours reading books you just need to Find 20 min. in your day to read books to finish 10 books per year, 40 min. to finish 20 books every year. How many mins. are you willing to spend reading in a day?

2.take a book with you wherever you go

You know that friend whom you wait for him for a long time until he comes? You will need your book with you while you are waiting instead of surfing through your mobile gallery just because there is nothing else to do until she/ he comes.

3. download audiobook

If you are a person who finds it boring to go on a treadmill like me, so download audiobooks and get on a treadmill while reading a book so you are not bored while walking, and you won't need time to cut off from watching tv. You can also use it while going to the grocery walking or while going to college/school/work by bus.

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