Jack Felix

Remodeling Your Bathroom for Your Teens

Summer has finally arrived. And that means that all your kids will be going off for the summer breaks. Some of them might join summer camps and some will be doing some volunteer work. That means that everyone will be at home fighting to be the first one to use the bathroom. If you have teenagers, then you would know that are particularly concerned about their appearances and outlook. Hence they can spend a lot of time in the bathroom. It can get a bit stressful for the parents.

Thus, we are sharing some tips for bathroom remodeling ideas that can ease your stress of sharing bathrooms with teenagers.

Install Additional Storage

You should install additional storage in your bathroom considering the fact that teenagers need a lot of space. Buy some cabinets and vanities according to the theme of the bathroom and tell your kids to organize their belongings neatly into the bathroom. That would lead to them leaving behind no mess after they have used the restroom; making your life a lot easier!

Increase the Vanity Space

Bigger is definitely better! It’s a great idea to have a spacious bathroom with enough space to share the bathroom. You can have a separate shower room while others can get ready by sharing the vanity. Installing double vanity sinks can be very useful as well. This way everyone gets enough space to get ready and they do not have to fight for the mirror space. You can also assign storage sections to them so they do not end up using too much space for themselves.

Doubling the Electrical Sockets

Living with a bigger family can test your patience when you have several people outside the bathroom door in the morning. Once you increase the vanity space, make sure you also increase the electrical sockets in the bathroom so that more appliances can be used at same time.

Assign Bathrooms

If you have more kids, then you should increase the number of bathrooms in your house and assign one for the girls and one for the boys. The teenage girls and boys take equal time in getting ready, so this is a win-win situation.

Find a Cheaper Alternative

If you are having financial and budgeting issues, then you do not have to install another bathroom or increase the space in existing bathroom. There’s an affordable option! You can go for bathroom remodeling and make the already occupied space look spacious. You can also remodel the bedrooms and install small mirrors and electric circuits for hair appliances such as straighteners. Enlist the help of Affordable Bathroom Remodeling Companies in Seattle WA that offer a suitable Bathroom Remodeling Service in Seattle WA.

Water Issues

More people in the house means there won’t be enough hot water for everyone. The best solution for this is buying an on-demand hot water system. This will ensure there is enough hot water for everybody. Plus, these heaters can switch off by themselves automatically.

Hire Professional Companies

You can look out for high Quality Bathroom Remodeling Companies in Seattle WA and consult for affordable bathroom remodeling. The professional companies will efficiently workout an affordable bathroom remodeling plan for you in Seattle WA.

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