Ankit Sharma

Flexor Tendon Repair Surgery in India

Overview: Flexor Tendon Repair Surgery

The major attribute that separates humans from ordinary animals is the intellectual advantage and the capability of the human to walk on just the hind limbs leaving the front limbs to be used to do things like hold, eat, drink, hit, craft and many more.

Without the hands, the humans will have a tougher time to get by around with their usual activities. The hands enable us to perform many of the tasks that are otherwise impossible for other animals to execute.

Flexor Tendon

Flexor tendons can be described as the smooth and strong cords connecting the muscles in the forearms to the bones in the fingers and thumb. There are usually two flexor tendons in each finger and one in the thumb.

These tendons are susceptible to damage by any cut across the palm region, wrist or hand, especially on the crease of the fingers where the tendons are situated directly beneath the skin. The tendon may also be detached or torn from the bone due to a violent pulling injury.

If flexor tendons are damaged, one won’t be able to bend one or more fingers due to it. Tendon damage generally leads to swelling (inflammation) in the hand. There are another type of tendons in the hand called the extensor tendons that help straighten the fingers by connecting the muscles in the forearm and hand to the bones in the fingers and the thumb.

Flexor Tendon Repair Surgery

Tendon repair surgery is usually required when one or more tendons in the hand are divided or split (ruptured) which leads to a loss of the movement in hand.

The damaged tendons do not heal themselves and the tension in the tendon causes the damaged ends to separate, sometimes by several centimetres. In this surgery, the surgeon usually makes an incision in the finger or the hand to locate the ends of the divided tendon and then stitches the ends together.

Repairing flexor tendons is a little more complex than repairing any injuries of the extensor tendons because the flexor tendons are difficult to get to and are a lot of the times located near important nerves. This surgery is usually carried by an experienced orthopaedic or plastic surgeon who specialise in hand surgery under the use of anaesthesia.

After the surgery is over, the forearm and the hand are put in a plaster which is placed over bandages with the fingers and the wrist in a slightly bent position which is meant to preserve the repair.

Tendon Repair Surgery Risks

Even though tendon repair surgery is considered to bear minimal risk, there are still some preliminary risks present in the procedure that all the surgeries usually have. Some of the most common risks in this surgery are

• Scarring of the tissue

• Tearing of the tendon

• Stiffness of the joints and loss of motion

• Complication in adhesion formation

• Allergic reaction and cardiovascular complication

• Rupturing of the tendon

Flexor repair surgery in India

India is known for being the best destination to undergo any type of medical procedure as the technology is advanced and the prices are comparatively low. The flexor tendon repair surgery cost in India is very less in comparison to developed nations with the same modern equipment.

One of the best benefits of tendon repair surgery in India is the surgeons in India are known for being the best in their respective disciplines with experience in modern technology and complex procedures as well.

Why choose us?

We strive to provide quality and excellence to all the patients that require assistance in planning their treatment and do not know how to go forward. We excel in providing support and advice for the patients in deciding the hospital and surgeon that would best suit their individual needs.

We present economical options for the patient to choose from on their own discretion and take an educated guess after going through all the information accordingly.

For further details, you can visit us at

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Call us: 91-9860-755-000

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