Hayley Hall

Rediscovering Boots: Hidden Gems, New Favourites & Suprising Finds

As someone who spends their life surrounded by makeup, beauty products and hair gadgets, I spend very little time actually shopping for anything beauty related. I'm lucky enough to be in a position where most of the new launches land on my doorstep and I have a never-ending supply of everything I could ever need; short of buying cotton wool, baby wipes and tampons, I simply don't have a need to spend hours perusing the shelves of Boots like I used to. Saying that, it's something I used to immensely enjoy and dedicated a couple of hours each weekend to wandering around and discovering new things - in fact that was the start of this very here site, before I was even on anyone's radar or lucky enough to receive a year's supply of shower gel in the post. However, after spending some time in the newly refurbished London Piccadilly store and picking up some amazing finds, it's reignited something in me and given me back my passion for wandering the beauty aisles. I feel like I've rediscovered Boots and found some hidden gems, surprising discoveries and whole departments I never knew existed. Here's how I got on...

"I didn't know they stocked that here..."
Although I was well versed in the usual brands you'd expect to stumble across in Boots, there were so many I had no idea were available so easily on the high street. From Liz Earle and Smashbox, to Butter London, Eve Snow and Bumble & Bumble, there are so many brands that have been historically hard to find lingering on shelves waiting for you to nab them. It's well worth visiting the flagship in Piccadilly or even having a search of the website to find out how much easier it is to get your hands on some beauty blogger favourties.

"There's a mini Wholefoods in Boots?"
As someone who's both dairy intolerant and should be eating gluten free, partnered with my recent fascination with supplements and additives such as chia seeds and baobab powder, I was delighted to find some favourties on the shelves in Boots. No longer will I have to take an epic trip to Wholefoods and spend way over the odds for dairy free chocolate, a bag of seeds or a pot of spirulina powder. Bonus.

"So many fabulous new brands and trending products!"
They've always been on the forefront of beauty, but thanks to their investment in new brands and 'trending' products Boots are now offering something unparalleled on the high street. From shiny new brands you've never heard of (but will undoubtely love,) to the products setting the social media scene alight, Boots are championing them and highlighting must-haves across the store.

"Too many great deals for me to compute."
I love a bargain and Boots have them aplenty. As part of their 'Lets Feel Like New' campaign this spring they're offering hundreds of discounts, offers and promotion to ensure you look and feel your best - while getting a little buzz out of opening a new find. You can even cross over brands and pick n mix your favourite finds, ensuring you can afford to experiment while stocking up on favourites.

"Ooooh I love Advantage Points."
Ahhh the humble Advanage Card. How I love thee. When I was a student my points used to frequently pay for my lunch when it was still three days til payday, being put to much better use in my twenties when I saved them up and splurged on perfume. What better reason is there to shop than knowing you're going to get something back as a result?

"Click & Collect is the best invention ever!"
If you don't have time to shop, or if you've been struggling to find that latest must-have product, Boots' fabulous 'Click & Collect' service allows you to order online and get anything delivered to your store the next day. Even if they don't stock the brand or product, you can still get it sent to your local store absolutely free of charge... Great if you live in a teeny village but are lasting after a very particular shade of nail polish from Essie.

Do you love wandering around the aisles of Boots? Are you excited to perhaps rediscover Boots yourself this coming weekend?
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